Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Back in the Saddle Again

I have been gone.

A lot has happend since I returned from New York. You may have notice my website has been down. I am in the process of updating it's layout with a new template from Word Press. It's going to look really nice and clean I think. I have been thinking about my work a lot, less working, more thinking-which is usually not the best for me. But it is what it is.

I haven't utilized my residency. I know, I suck. Life has been pretty interesting. I fought so hard for that stupid thing but moving to Little Rock has been a huge distraction. Though, I must admit, I have most definitely faired better emotionally not living in that cesspool of a city. It does have it's charms. Suffice-it-to-say I need to get my shit together.

The plan is this- I need to get all of my work photographed and printed. The large prints of Papa need to be printed and I need to build frames for them. Also, all of my old sculpture work needs to be photographed. I need to print all of the work from NY and previous BFA stuff so that I have a nice printed portfolio for grad school stuff when I apply next. Not sure about this fall yet. It is going to depend on our moving situation within the next few months. This is also why I must take advantage of the help in Memphis now.

On a productive note-
I have been publishing some small/quick advertisements for my mother's business in local Arkansas magazines: Arkansas Bride, Weddings in Arkansas, and Soiree.

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